What goes into an excellent product (that product being your new your new ERP system)? A tremendous amount of leadership, collaboration, and planning are factors that will make a difference towards your excellent ERP system.
Dedication and thoroughness on pure project management activities, statement of work and respective scope document preparation, long-term roadmap guidance, and thorough design documents (BLUEPRINTS) are additional factors that ensure success.
Every business is different, and every client's priorities are different. Cookie cutter or "all-in-one" approaches have appeal in terms of budget and usability of templates, but can be extremely costly when it comes to rectifying gaps in specific accounting scenarios and contract execution requirements. If business activities are truly generic, that's great! If not, and there is no game plan, that is when retrenchment and rework happens in ERP land.
UpstreamSI helps you help lead your organization into and through the ERP implementation. Our behaviors and results-oriented approach is contagious and helps bring out the best in all of us professionally.
The methodology, or implementation approach, sets a clear, procedural path forward, ensures that decisions are circulated and signed-off, and minimizes risks to the schedule and to the solutions. UpstreamSI uses SAP CPM project management with Fiori and NWBC webgui to manage the project. Many other firms use Micorsoft, not SAP! Go figure.
Like most firms, UpstreamSI believes in using standard approaches when possible when meeting business requirements. Having an S/4HANA 1709 IS-Oil platform, however, helps our consultants stay up to date in standard SAP as well as to resolve fit-gap differences where a standard approach is not readily available, early in the implementation. Having current, up and running software ensures the capabilities are fully known and vetted as much as possible instead of waiting for your test client install for concept review.